Sunday, September 23, 2007

Daddy News

Okay, so this post is not about Monroe. But since most people interested in Monroe are also interested in her dad Eben, I thought I'd share a tidbit of family news here anyway!

The reviews for Eben's latest game, Medal of Honor: Airborne, have been trickling out pre-release. This one graphics feature that Eben single-handedly created, pretty much on his own initiative, is getting talked up in several reviews. It's a minor detail--an effect you see when you look through the lens of the sniper rifle--but Eben came up with a completely new way of creating the effect based on linear algebra. He knew when he came up with the effect that it was a consequential improvement, but having reviewers single it out for mention is really a satisfying surprise! (There are so many features in this game that being individually mentioned is kinda like getting your needled declared "Best in Haystack.")

Here's an example of what's being said:
"Overall, the graphics on the game are solid with some great looking textures and lighting and incredible draw distances which can be seen with every drop from the airplanes. EA makes sure you know what their graphics engine can do right from the get go with an impressive drop in the training camp showing hundreds of fellow paratroopers in the sky at once against a radiant sunset. One last note about the graphics, the sniper scope has the most realistic lens effect I've ever seen in any game, the designers and artists really nailed [it]."


  1. I have always known that Eben was a genius, and then he married my daughter, which proved it! Congratulations on great work, including your job as father to the most beautiful baby in the world!
