Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor & Delivery

Early Labor
Technically, I felt my first contraction around 1:30 in the afternoon on Thursday. Of course, at the time, I had no idea that it would be the beginning of real labor! I was in prenatal yoga meditating so I was really tuned in to the sensation--otherwise I wouldn't have felt anything. Of course I didn't say anything to Eben because I didn't want to excite him over nothing.

I began to suspect that something really was happening with me when I felt pretty sick at dinner, and by 10:30 I was having rhythmic, light contractions. I was still unsure as to whether it would turn out to be a bout of false labor or not, but I decided to try to get some sleep just in case. This took some engineering--the contractions were strong enough that I was uncomfortable in any position other than those that placed the belly below the back (such as getting down on my hands and knees.) I still don't know exactly how I did it, but I created some kind of massive pillow structure built around a round pregnancy pillow which allowed me to lay on my stomach with my belly dangling. I slept for around 2 1/4 hours that way, until the contractions got too strong to sleep through.

I distracted myself packing our bags and making us food to take as long as I could, but by 6:00 or so, I really needed to get out and walk. So I woke Eben up and told him I was probably really in labor! It was then that we saw the sun come up on what we thought might be our daughter's birthday.
walking through contractions in Palisades Park

Eben called in to work and we labored all day, with contractions getting progressively stronger and more rhythmic until they reached around 5 minutes apart and were somewhat intense. (4:00 pm, August 31.) We went to my OB for an office visit and I was dilated close to three centimetres. She said we should go to the hospital sometime in the next few hours.

At home we called our labor doula Joanne, who came over to assist with our plan of staying at home as long as we could. She got me into a hot tub and for that I'll be forever grateful! Eben also administered what I call the "Ebe-dural" which was intense counterpressure on my lower back.

Heading for the Hospital
These coping techniques got us close to midnight, when it seemed time to head for the hospital.
Transitioning from the comfort of home to the hospital environment was tough, and I was completely dispirited when our (kinda mean) nurse checked me and told me I was only at 4 centimeters. I felt I still had some natural pain management left in me, but I had only slept about 2 hours in the past 48! Our doula counseled me to consider an epidural. I decided to let my body adjust to it's new surroundings and see what I could do first!

Eben is the best medicine

4 and a half hours later, I was checked again and was dilated to.... 4 centimeters!! That's when (around 4:45, August 31) we requested an epidural. I slept for about 3 hours, then awoke to get checked by my O.B. Since I was still at 4 (stalled there for 7 hours) I let them break the water to get labor moving. The next thing I knew, my epidural was wearing off and our day-shift nurse had arrived. It was Liz, who teaches prepared childbirth at the same center where we took our Bradley classes!! The relief of a familiar face was outstanding!

The Birth
The epidural was wearing off & Liz asked if I wanted it renewed. I asked to be checked first of course and low and behold, I was 9 centimeters!! I was able to feel everything well enough to push pretty effectively--we got the baby out in just about 20 minutes.

Nine centimeters!!

I was so focused on what my body was doing that it was a COMPLETE shock when the baby came out of me. They immediately placed her on my chest, and I couldn't believe how perfect she looked. A few minutes later, she was removed to a warming station just a few feet from me where Eben looked on as she was dried and got her Apgar. I was getting cleaned up and getting stitches at that time.
Eben gets to know his baby.

Meeting Monroe
After around 30 minutes of me and the baby getting tended to, we had our first breastfeeding session together. Liz, the nurse we were so happy to see, helped the baby to latch perfectly. While holding her, I took in her tiny (but oh-so-long) eyelashes, her beautiful tiny hands (exactly like her father's) and the amazing aroma of sweet, clean ocean water that clung to her unbathed body from her womb home.

Moments after her first meal.

Everyone delicately left us alone (which I didn't know until later because I didn't know anyone but Eben and the baby were there in the first place) and that's when Eben asked me if I had any idea about our darling's name. I said no--this was only my second time holding her. But Eben, who had been with her for a few hours by then, said he had an inkling. Then he said my favorite name, "Monroe" and everything fell into place. Monroe was here!!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, you are such a trouper! You are my hero! And Eben is such a great dad! He goes way beyond the call of duty to make your life better, and now he is doing the same for the most precious little baby in the world. I love you all, Dad.
