Friday, September 14, 2007

Our big exciting day!

Yesterday was a really fun day with the baby for us parents (I don't think it made a difference at all to little Monroe though. tee hee!)

We still can't take the baby into crowded places for several weeks, but hanging out in the apartment will eventually drive us both crazy. So we decided to go out to Will Rodgers State Park for a picnic lunch!

First, we got to experience the hilarity of how long it takes to go anywhere or do anything with a baby. We began to hatch the State Park plan around 10:00 am... and we were there around 3:30! First, we both needed showers, I had to run some laundry, the baby needed a bath, we had to pack the picnic, and eat a snack, and when we were almost completely ready, I needed a little nap! It was nice actually, to be on "baby time" with no appointment to keep.

Next, we got to experience how much stuff a baby needs for a few hours at the park. The back of our Prius was literally FULL of baby stuff--the diaper bag, the boppy, the stroller frame, lunch (okay that was for us), extra blankets, emergency stuff, water (again for us, but still) and more!

First we picnic-ed while Monroe slept in her carseat on the table:

Then we popped her carseat into its stroller frame and tested its off-road capacity. These are great easy trails that get you high above the city before you know it. We could see the whole bay, distant islands, and the city downtown. It was really beautiful and refreshing!

After the walk, we all rested in the shade in the park and Monroe had her own lunch before we packed back into the car and headed home.

Eben and I had a great time, and Monroe didn't know the difference (she slept almost the whole time!) so overall it was a great success!

Editor's note: Looking back at this post about a year later, not much has changed as far as the organizational effort it takes to get a baby out of the house... although it does seem that as your child gets bigger, the pile of stuff she needs at all times does get a wee bit smaller.

Look how in the last picture Monroe is wrapped in a blanket and then in an inside-out t-shirt. That's because we only had two blankets (the giant one we're laying on and the thin one she was swaddled in.) It was a balmy day, but when we sat down on the grass in the shade it felt much cooler and we got paranoid she'd be cold. So there she is, in the shirt of my back. Somewhere in the back up files from my computer at this time period, I think there is another picture from a few minutes later where we'd added a burp cloth to her head, folded up to make a hat. I guess I was too embarrassed and upset with myself to share these details at the time, but now of course I think it is hilarious that with all that stuff we brought--with that giant carload of stuff--we FORGOT an extra blanket and a hat. Rookies!!

1 comment:

  1. I really love the updates! If you would just do one of these every day for the rest of your lives, I would be satisfied:) Either that, or we move in next door!
