Monday, October 8, 2007

daddy back on duty

Monroe had an excellent weekend with her Oma (and her parents.) She was in excellent spirits, working on her cooing noises and wiggle legs. She's such a a sweetie!!

Today was Eben's first day off AGAIN. (His paternity ended a few weeks ago, but he was given "refresh time" to compensate him for overtime he worked this past summer. It's just our luck that it takes place only a few weeks after his paternity ended!) Eben's got three weeks off to spend with his little family and we're all delighted.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations to all three of you on being together again 24/7. Leaving my wife and kids at home when they were so little was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do! I am happy for all of you.
