Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Where are the locusts?

As you may have noticed in the news, Southern California is on fire.

Luckily, we're pretty safe--living in a very urban area and being right on the ocean both provide protection. But fires are burning all around and it's created very poor air conditions. We are essentially holed up in the apartment with all the doors and windows closed because it's so gross outside that there's literally an orange haze to the air. Keeping everything shut tight has made a difference--still, Monroe's got a bit of a stuffy nose and she's been sneezing a bit, but I don't think it's going to do any of us lasting harm.

A view from near my place (I didn't take this picture):

Inside our apartment however, it's not fires we're worried about--it's floods! :-) We had a plumbing overflow at 4:00 in the morning from which we are still recovering. But hey, it's an excuse to scrub those floors!

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