Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A day in the life

6:55 am--Time to wake up!! I am supposed to get up at 7:15, but I like to surprise my mom and dad whenever I can. They are so funny, slow, and confused when I wake them up every morning! I am so happy to be in bed with mommy and daddy (although I am never sure exactly how I get here because I go to sleep in my own bed at night...) Mommy opens her eyes a little crack, so I bonk her in the face a few times with my fist, just to say hello. Then Daddy's radio starts playing, and he lets out a terrific sigh and trys to bury his head under his pillow, so I roll over and start bopping him in the face a little too. What would they do without me?

Mommy gets up and goes to get her shiny shiny cup. This is a very special cup and I can tell she really loves it because she carries it around all morning and holds it close. I think it has this steamy brown stuff in it, but it is hard to be sure because she keeps the lid screwed on really tight and never lets me play with it. But maybe today she will?

First I've got to go say hello to The Baby in the Mirror. Gosh, she is so cute!! I love to play with her! I touch her fingertips, and once I even tried to lick her. She was kinda cold. While me and her catch up, mommy and daddy take off some clothes and then they put on different clothes. Isn't that weird?

After mommy puts on the new clothes and spends some more time holding her shiny shiny cup, she takes me for my first diaper change of the morning. Dang it, I knew this was coming. But this time it's not as bad as I thought it would be--she's finished almost before it gets on my nerves! Next, we go sit at the table and I get to drop some toys while mommy puts stuff in her mouth. She puts all this stuff in and it never comes back out. Isn't that weird?

Wow, it's 9:30 a.m. Goodness, I am tired. After all the visiting Mirror Baby and toy dropping and trying really hard to get the shiny shiny cup, I just can't wait for my nap! Mommy draws the shades, turns on my sleepy sounds, and wraps me in a blankie for my morning nap. Ahhhhhhhh....

Howdy!! It's 10:30 and I am all awake now. I look around and see my fishies hanging above my crib, I haven't talked to them today! Hiya fishies!! Oh, look, there's mommy there. Hi mommy! Mommy turns off my sleepy sounds and opens the window. Hello Sunshine! Oh, gosh, another diaper change? Even worse--she's taking off my clothes. And NOOOOO, she's putting on some other clothes! Why would she do that? My parents seem like nice people and everything, but geeze they are obsessed with taking clothes off and on!!

Wow, hello, it's my babysitter Cruz! Cruz is so fun! She sits with me at the table and lets me drop all my toys, one by one. She walks me all around the whole house and lets me look in every single mirror, even the funky ones she has to lift me up for. And guess what? The Baby in the Mirror meets me there every time! I have so much fun with Cruz I don't want to stop and nurse or anything! (But it's nice to see my mommy right there at her computer.)

It's only 1:00 in the afternoon and mommy seems to think I am going to take another nap. Boy is she clueless! Nothing could be further from my mind than a nap right now, and I tell her so by screaming really loud when she tries to wrap me up. But then I go ahead and nurse because it's SO tasty... and there's no harm in relaxing a little while I get my snack. But I won't go to sleep. I'm gonna go ahead and cuddle up a little more in mommy's arms, but I won't go to sleep. I might just close my eyes for a little bit, but I won't... go .... to ...

Oh, wow, it's 2:00!! What happened? Mommy turns off my sleepy sounds and opens the window. Hello Sunshine! I guess it's time for us to do something outside now because mommy is getting everything loaded into the stroller. COOL! Where are we going?

Oh, I know, it's yoga. Right away, I hook up with my crew--Audrey, Bella, and Parker. They are all almost 6 months old just like me and we like to be together. But guess what? I am the only one who can sit up. Boy, yoga is exciting when you can sit up and look any way that you want!! I never noticed how interesting all the grown-ups are. They are twisting around in such funny ways. I try twisting just like mommy and everyone starts pointing at me and cracking up! But it wasn't funny when mommy did it. Isn't that wierd?

After yoga we come home and I remember that I actually don't like my stroller--how did I forget that before?? I start crying until I hear mommy singing. Boy, that yoga seems to make her even happier than the shiny shiny cup because she sings all the way home. I guess it makes me happy too, because I don't cry even when she changes my diaper!

At 4:30 I USED to take an evening nap when I was just a little baby, but now I am so mature I don't really take a nap in the evening anymore. So instead, I just sit in the rocking chair with mommy nursing, with the radio on really quiet and the warm sun coming in... so relaxing... so...
Wow, it's 5:30! Time flys when you are not officially napping! Another diaper change. Now it's time for that new thing mommy does, where she pokes some mushy stuff into my mouth. I don't really get what is going on here. I like the taste of the mushy stuff okay, but what's the point of having something in your mouth that you can neither crunch against your gums nor suck on? Isn't that weird?

After that new thing with the mushy stuff, I have to get my diaper changed AGAIN and this time mommy takes all my clothes off. I hate this! Why should a person have to take off a bunch of clothes AND put on a bunch more clothes just because they got a little bit of poop their shirt and pants? I complain every time they do this to me, but it doesn't seem to make a bit of difference. Oh well. Like I said, it's their one flaw.

It's around 6:30 and I wonder what the heck we're gonna do now? It's getting kinda boring around here. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, IT IS DADDY!!!!!!! I have never been so excited in my whole life! My arms and legs can barely flap fast enough and the corners of my mouth are going to crack from smiling so so so much because daddy's here!!!! Wait--where is he going? WAHHHH--oh, there he is, using the big porcelain diaper. Now he's washing his hands. Good thing mommy brought me in here where I could see him.

After daddy throws me in the air and swings me from side to side and cracks me up again and again, I sit at the table with my mommy and daddy while they put more stuff in their mouths and talk and talk. I get to play with my toys and do some cool gravity experiments. So far, everything falls when you drop it. Isn't that weird?

I'm pretty tired, (after all, it's almost 8:00) so I don't mind it too bad when my daddy takes my clothes off AGAIN and puts on different clothes, just for me to go to sleep in. It's really the only thing wrong with my parents, this obsession with moving people's clothes around. I don't get it. Next daddy tells me the story of "The Going to Bed Book." He has the whole story in his head so I can just chew on the book if I want. Neat, huh?

I love nursing with mommy to go to sleep at bedtime, and I hate it if anything keeps me up late, so I have to say goodbye right away!! Goodnight!


  1. This should be an illustrated children's book!!! It would be such a hit! Thank you for this little window into your world. We love you all so much!

  2. I wish I could see ya'll. Geography and money!!!!!

    GREAT Grandpa Adams

  3. It's fabulous to get a look into the daily world of Monroe increment by increment! They change so fast that it's already a little different than when I was there in the beginning of February. Homemade organic baby food and giving up her late nap. I can't wait to see her at Naomi's wedding. What an adorable child.
