Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monroe's new pal

This morning we visited with a fun family we met 2 weeks ago on an "urban hike" in the neighborhood: Jen, Brian, and Finnegan. Finn is 7 months old, just a few weeks older from Monroe. Jen and Brian were really nice and fun, so we invited them to come over for brunch. I made food for the grownups and the babies & our new pals bought fruit and juice.

It was amazing to see the babies together. The actually interacted a lot more than I thought they would--while I was giving Jen a tour of our apartment, the guys put the babies on Roe's blankie and they stared at each other and cooed. Then they each put their hands into each other's mouth, which we judged to be a somewhat cuter equivalent to dogs sniffing each other's butts at the dog park. :-)

One interesting thing was how different the lil' ones were! Finn already has 2 teeth and eats like a champ--he ate about 5 times as much as Monroe and was even game for my homemade asparagus baby food! Despite all the pigging out, he's so light in my arms, I felt as if I was carrying a bouquet of flowers (rather than say, carry-on luggage, a small keg of beer, or a couple of bowling balls.) And he looks like a rag doll when he sits, whereas Monroe can now do all sorts of upper-body contortions without loosing her balance. The biggest contrast though, was the hair!

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