Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Roeport

After Monroe's first crawl on Sunday, she laid off the floor-traveling until today. This might be because we were on the go and she didn't get much chance to practice, or it could just be random. But this morning she crawled again and I actually got to see it this time. It was really great!! She still doesn't have the arms and legs coordinated--they are just all kinda going crazy--and I think one leg was balanced on the foot while the other was balanced on the knee, but still it was fast.

How do I preface this next topic? Hmmmm... If you think that a discussion of the baby's poop is in poor taste for this forum, then why don't we just call it a day now? You can stop reading here and go away with your good opinion of me intact, believing the post ended with the charming description of Monroe's crawling. If however, this preamble has simply left you curious, then by all means read on.

Monroe pooped sometime Friday, if memory serves but then after that, there was nothing. Saturday and Sunday passed without us thinking too much of the lack of poop, but by Monday morning I was just SURE she was going to "deliver the package" in the middle of a meeting I take her to each week. Nope. Then Tuesday I thought it was likely that she'd be adding her own special soundtrack (and smellovision) to the Mommy & Me movie we went to. Nothing. Next, I was in mortal dread that she'd decide to "brew a cappuccino" in the middle of a very very important talk that I had no choice but to bring her to. Thank God, no. But it did have to come sometime....

Cut to last night, bedtime routine. Just as I am going for my headphones to go tackle the dishes, I hear "Uh, Melissa?" from the bathroom. I enter to find naked Eben standing up in the bathtub, holding naked Monroe. This seems like strange behavior to me until something on Eben's face prompts me to look down into the tub and I see that the moment has finally arrived... and arrived and arrived and arrived. After all, it had been nearly a week! We were both laughing, but also in total damage-control mode as we tried to figure out the least disgusting way to get the bathers out of the tub, get the tub clean, and get the bathers back in the tub... because I've never seen either of them MORE in need of a bath. I was running back and forth from Monroe's room getting something--washcloths maybe, I don't even know--and on one return to the bathroom Eben was holding Monroe over the toilet for round two (only Eben could manage all this without the rug or tiles needing to be cleaned. Cat-like in his reflexes, that man.) Anyway, somehow we contained the damage and they were eventually returned to the tub where they cleaned up. A hearty laugh was had by all and Monroe slept VERY soundly after ridding herself of all that excess baggage.

Now, if that was too gross for you, I can only say that you were fairly warned.


  1. Eben's "little baby" brother (who owing to teenage embarrassment shall remain nameless for the internet world) was a champion bathtub unloader on Daddy. In fact he was known for the two-fer where in the tub, baby, Daddy and large amounts of towels etc were processed not once in an evening but twice. This was also a time of great rejoicing for said baby brother who was chronically late in delivering packages.

    Now this only happened on 4-5 occasions but they live in my memory to this day - he too slept well and felt all better after. I will recommend to Steve that Eben's cat-like reflexes were an improvement over his Dad's.

  2. I didn't think it was too gross. Now, maybe if you had included photos, or used the new smell-o-vision feature, that might have been gross! We love that little girl! And Eben gets another greatest dad award!

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