Sunday, April 13, 2008

a visit from grandad

Today while I was out with some pals, Monroe got a visit from her
grandad! Steve came over for lunch with Eben and then they visited
and took Monroe out for a walk in her stroller. It was probably the
only weekend (outside of winter of course) that Steve's come for
business and found it hotter here in Santa Monica than it was back in
Texas. Eben handed Monroe off a bit too quickly at first and she got
a bit frightened, but she quickly warmed up to her grandad. So
hopefully their relationship won't echo the famous stories of Naomi
always crying whenever she saw her Gransir. Tee Hee Hee!!


  1. Don't forget the part about Monroe almost crawling while I was visiting. I told her that she just needed to add the part about moving her knees when she wanted to go get something (she wanted my sandwich which was just out of reach) and she would be going everywhere. She did after I left according to Eben.

  2. Yes, at the point of Steve's visit Monroe was SOOOOOoooOOO close to crawling that she often frustrated herself. Friday afternoon she learned to get herself up into a seated position from laying down on her back or tummy, which was a big boost to her mobility. And then she just kept getting closer and closer to crawling until...
