Saturday, May 10, 2008

Savannah visit

Last week we went to Savannah, GA for the wedding of my best friend Naomi, who just happens to be Eben's sister. With such close connections all around, we were both in the wedding party.

Monroe proved herself to be a good traveler, just as she was at Christmas.

Eben let Monroe suck on his finger during take off to help her ears pop. Apparently, she decided to return the favor!

We got into Savannah Wednesday, earlier than almost everyone but the bride and groom themselves! We explored the riverfront and got Monroe a fun new toy from a cool natural toys shop. Later that evening, we had a late dinner with Mike and Naomi (the bride and groom) and Monroe slept almost the whole time. She couldn't figure out what time zone she was in!!

Thursday we got to explore Savannah a bit with Eben's brother and his girlfriend before the wedding prep frenzy really got going. Here we are relaxing in one of the city's many charming squares after touring the Low house, a beautifully restored early 1800's place where the founder of the Girl Scouts grew up.

Here is Monroe bonding with her Uncle Munchkin.

Eben is already working to instill his love of climbing trees in his offspring. (Don't worry, this isn't quite as adventurous as it looks--he's got her around the waist.)
We found a nice vegan/veggie place to start what was certain to be a week full of southern cookin'.

Here we are giving Monroe her first dip in the pool! She's been in the bathtub of course, and even splashed a bit in the ocean, but the pool was new to her.

It may be a while before I do any posts that actually cover the wedding itself because I was too busy doing wedding stuff to take any photos!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos and wonderful to get to meet Monroe in person! Love, Peggy
