Wednesday, May 14, 2008

stand in the place where you stand

Monroe's Oma arrived for a visit today, just in time to see Monroe STAND ALL BY HERSELF. She pulled up on some (sturdy, child-proofed) shelves in the kitchen, then carefully let go of the shelves one by one and just stood there, alone, in the middle of the floor. Her stance was like a surfer with each leg bent and her arms extended to each side. She lasted for 10 or 20 seconds, with her expression slowly changing from "Oh, I am so awesome!" to "Uh, how long can I do this?" to, finally, "Ahhh, my legs don't know what to do next!" before she plopped to the floor and let out a little surprised cry.

Note that Monroe's very first crawl ever took place on April 14, according to my old posts. And it was April 20 when she first pulled herself to standing, holding on to furniture. So it's been exactly one month since her very first attempt at crawling, and less than a month since her first time pulling up on things, and she's already standing on her own!

At this pace, we expect her to apply for her first driver's license within the next 10-12 months. :)

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