Thursday, June 5, 2008

missing fish

Today I got myself a treat for lunch: sushi from a take-out place right by my house (on the way home from the park, in fact.) When I got home, got Roe settled, and looked in the basket at the bottom of the stroller where I'd stashed it, and it wasn't there. Assuming I must have already grabbed it out of the basket and then absentmindedly set it someplace, I then looked around all over the house. I got hungrier and hungrier as I gave in to the notion that the sushi doesn't seem to be anywhere. But it probably is... I am sure I won't find it until some obscure part of my house starts to smell like abandoned sushi.

Somehow this incident seemed to encapsulate the mood of my whole day...

But then again, a stranger bought me an apple (not as creepy as it sounds--she was in line behind me at the fruit stand and I didn't have small change.) Perhaps I should consider that the story of my day instead. At any rate, it was very good to have the apple when I turned up with no lunch.

Update as of 3:15:

Found the sushi. Wow, what a funny place to find it. Perhaps I was I trying to send my fish a threatening message?


  1. The question is: How long before you found it? Was it still fit for human consumption, or just for cat food? I'm glad you found it, and happy for the little insight into your day. We love you all very much!

  2. Your lucky day, Sunshine. You were the recipient of a random act of kindness. Pass it on.


  3. Charlie, you are so right!

    Over the weekend last weekend, we went to get a burger and were seated right next to a couple with a little newborn baby. She was a girl, and SO tiny... smaller than I remember Monroe being. They had a grandmother with them too, just like us! (My mom was visiting.) It made me remember how hard it was to get out back in those days and just in general what a crazy time it was. I was filled with the urge to rush home and get all Monroe's old newborn things and give them to this new family, as if by helping them I could somehow reach backwards into the past and help myself. Instead, we settled for sneakily picking up their tab before we left.

    I didn't think much of it at the time. But now, after I got the apple and felt how good it felt, I am really glad that opportunity came our way!!
