Friday, July 4, 2008

more Utrecht

Here are a few more of the things we did in Utrecht:

We visited a grocery store museum with an old-time candy shop complete with vintage ledgers, an ancient scale with little brass counterweights, and classic candies like licorice and jordan almonds. We really enjoyed looking at the vintage packaging.
We spent a lot of time in Utrecht hanging out with my good friend Debbie who was in The Netherlands for the same conference as me. She's a co-worker as well as a friend, so she has probably spent more time with Monroe than any other friend since I bring Roe to work about twice a week. It was fantastic having a friend around who Roe was comfortable with! We went out a few times and the 3 to 1 adult/baby ratio really helped it all go smoothly. We treated Debbie to a few home-made dinners in our apartment in return, which we all enjoyed too.
Me and Debbie hung out on the roof talking after Roe went to sleep.

Overall, our stay in Utrecht created a rather unfavorable impression of dutch cuisine. By way of example, were you to walk through the train station, you'd have the choice of two mainstay street snacks: raw herring covered in chopped onion or french fries covered in gobs of bland mayonnaise. Can I get an "ick?" But these people, living next to Germany and Belgium, were fairly serious about their beer. So we tried to stick to just drinking beer while out (he he he.)

We are already lovers of public transportation, so it was no surprise that we just loved dutch trams, buses and trains. The system works great, and the 1700's cities are really compact and dense anyway so walking is an easy option too. Here's Roe and Eben goofing on the bus:

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