Sunday, July 6, 2008

church nursery

Today was the first day we tried leaving Monroe on her own in the
church nursery while we both went to the service. She's been here many
times to nurse, get a diaper change, or just take a play break, so it
was a familiar environment. Roe did great! She started playing right
away and had loads of fun the whole time.

Meanwhile, I was thrilled to be in the service with no distractions.
Except for reading the program, looking for people I haven't seen in a
while, laughing at goofy hymn lyrics, wondering if there will still be
coffee left on the patio after the service, deciding that Eben needs
a haircut and I need a manicure, and realizing that church sure takes
a long time when you don't have the "interruption" of a baby to care
for... :-)

1 comment:

  1. I used to feel that way when Bob was little, but had choir to fill in. Now I really go only to worship. I just read this: worship is an encounter with One who is
    "always bigger than what's the matter." Roe looks like she's enjoying herself. God bless!

    Great Aunt Geneva
