Thursday, August 21, 2008

missing my own mommy...

We had 2 wonderful visits with my mother recently (it just worked out better for all of us for her to come for two shorter trips rather than one 10-day affair, so she came for a long weekend, went back home for about 10 days, and then came for another long weekend.)

I would have liked to post about her fun visit sooner, but I got very sick. Barf sick. Sorry to be so explicit, but in my book there is nothing worse than getting too sick to keep medicine down. This probably hasn't happened to me in at least 5 or 6 years, lucky gal that I am. Anyway, between me not being able to get out of bed for a day and a half and Eben having to take off work to take care of Monroe, things around here got a bit out of hand and blogging took a backseat (actually, the backseat was reserved for things like showers and laundry. Blogging was hanging by a thread from the back bumper. For reference, folding our underwear fell of the car and is now hundreds of miles back on the highway, never to be seen again... at least until Monroe and all future children are in college.)

Of course I missed my mother while I was "calling uncle Ralph." Wait, am I weird to find throwing up nostalgic? And is it even weirder that the nostalgia translates into a longing for the comfort of home and family? Now that I think about it, it does sound a bit odd... "Ma, don't take it the wrong way, but I always think of you fondly when I upchuck." I think what I am trying to say is that my helplessness fondly recalled my early dependencies on this earthly world's greatest caretaker: mommy.

So finally I get to post a bit about my mom's fun visit, although I can barely remember what went on because I think I lost some brain cells during all the barfing....

My mom taught Monroe to "luv the doggy" which is what she said whenever Monroe snuggled her little stuffed dog. We did "love the doggy" "luv the baby" and "luv the mommy" all weekend and we still say it whenever she hugs anyone or anything. So cute!

MaMai knows how to stuff a baby! With her patient attention, Monroe ate more (and better) than usual. She really got to liking humus by the end of the weekend, which is great because we're always looking for more veggie protein that we can both feed her and enjoy ourselves!

Monroe's love affair with my mom's sunglasses inevitably led to the cuteness of Roe wearing them herself.

It was a great visit!

I love you mom!!!!!!!!

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