Tuesday, November 25, 2008

it could have been worse... way worse.

We were chagrined to realize, around the time we brought Monroe home from the hospital, that we had NAMED HER WITH A SENTENCE. "Monroe Mae Cook."

This was of course completely unintentional.

In fact, the sentence-as-name fiasco was precisely the kind of silliness we tried to avoid--we didn't want initials that spelled anything or an unexpected unflattering nickname or an awkward combination of first and last name syllables or anything like that. But one slight lapse of judgment and here we are. At least the sentence leaves her future uncommitted. She may cook, but she just as well may not. It's all up to her.

I was cheered a few weeks ago on a visit to an eponymous dining terrace in the Dallas arboretum named for some important person on the horticulture scene. Seeing the plaque above our table reminded me that (as usual) it could be worse:


  1. Interesting, but we didn't think very far when we named our first baby Paul Owen Poynter. The first thing that my dear friend said was "POP." We hadn't even thought of it. He didn't live very long so that name went by the way. We were very careful to name our second son Robert Daniel Poynter. Their oldest daughter, however has the initials CAP, the second was better (RLP) and the third - SNP. You just can't think of everything!
    Great aunt Geneva

  2. Oh, but what will her married last name be? hhhhmmmm...

  3. Wow! You were really close to me when you were at the Arboretum. I would have loved to have seen you. - Aunt Arla

  4. I know--we wanted to do more family visiting, but it was only about 72 hours we were in town and Monroe turned out to be sick pretty much the whole time. :-(
