Monday, January 5, 2009

development, decorating

There are so many ways in which we left for Texas in December with a baby and came back to LA in January with a kiddo. I know it was just two weeks, but it became a really significant two weeks for Monroe. She officially starting talking--we're hearing simple sentences now like "open door" and "more beans" and "apple please." She also seems to be just a bit taller--or perhaps simply more inventive--because she's demonstrated an ability to reach a whole host of things she couldn't get her hands on before. So she's interacting with the home environment in new, creative ways. She never really appreciated her play kitchen before because she was only on the fringes of playing pretend, but suddenly she'll spend 30 minutes pretending to wash her hands, stir things on plates, and tottering around to offer us pretend drinks from her little toy cups. A new world has opened up to her within her old world because she's reading new significance into things that have always been there.

That's how we ended up re-doing Monroe's bedroom.

Knowing that she had some new toys and books, we were planning to get one more shelf for her, but we had no vision (and no time) for anything more. However, we don't seem to be halfway people, Eben and I. I don't remember now which of us first broached the concept of moving her crib from here to there to make more room for shelves (so I don't know who to properly blame) but that quickly snowballed into a significant overhaul when we saw that we could actually give Monroe more play space with a little ingenuity. 29 hours and a trip to Ikea later, we were very glad we'd made the effort. It was a natural parallel to the changes of the past few weeks--she didn't really seem to fit in a "nursery" anymore and it suddenly seemed clear that she needed more of a "playroom" instead.

(There are a few elements left to be completed, so it will probably be next weekend before I post pictures.)

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