Saturday, January 31, 2009

sailing the ocean blue

Today Monroe and I went sailing with our good friends Chris and Gina. This is not a picture of their boat. As I mentioned before, we misplaced our camera(s) recently. This means I am limited to those photos my iPhone can capture on the go. And since I pretty much never let go of Monroe the whole boat ride, I didn't get many pictures. So I borrowed a few from the internet for effect.

Monroe got a round of immunizations yesterday which left her pretty zonked. I snuggled her while Chris went to get gas for the boat (which has a motor as well as sails--and this seems to be a critical thing when it comes to getting in and out of your boat's snug slip in a very crowded Marina!)

The views of Marina del Rey were beautiful as we sailed in and out of the marina. The open ocean was amazing too--we saw seagulls and sea lions and Chris tried his hand at deep sea fishing. The photos below (again, borrowed from the internet) capture the feeling of the afternoon and evening.

1 comment:

  1. Monroe sailed the ocean blue
    And liked it very well, it's true!!

    GREAT Grandpa Adams
