Monday, April 20, 2009

boo boo hand

Over the weekend Monroe had an accident while in the kitchen with Dada. She got a small burn on the inside of her right hand. I was so glad to live in 2009 because we just snapped a digital picture of the burn and emailed it to our pediatrician at home. She told us how to treat it and helped us be sure that we didn't need to rush off to an urgent care center or anything. Gotta love that technology (sometimes.)

Today we followed up with a visit to our nurse where we had the burn examined and got some supplies for bandaging tiny fingers. Monroe had fun chatting with everyone she saw and was wonderfully still while we wrapped her bandages.

She's never been able to leave hair clips in her hair, or to leave her sun hat on or anything like that, so I expected a challenge to leaving her bandage in place. When I explained to her I would give her a quarter for every hour she left her bandage on, I half expected the deal to go over her head but she found it completely motivating. She's earned 10 quarters and hasn't meddled with a single bandage since we struck that deal! (The cute thing about Monroe's obsession with quarters is that she doesn't relate to them as a store of value or something to exchange for anything else. She just loves them for their round shiny goodness!)

We immediately play-tested the bandages in the toddler room at Santa Monica Public Library.


  1. Yes! Thank God you were able to do that quickly. When our son was little, he burned the whole palm of his right hand and we had to take a quick trip to the hospital. He's been left handed ever since - whether from that or not, I don't know. I'm glad that Roe's burn will heal quickly.

    Great Aunt Geneva

  2. God bless her little hand---and her little heart!

    GREAT Grandpa Adams
