Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"I make dat!"

Today when I picked her up early, I took Monroe to the public library.
In the kid section, she noticed some yellow constuction paper
sunshines hanging from the ceiling. She squealed and pointed, saying
"up high!" Then she got serious and pronounced "I make dat." So when
we got home, we did.

Aunt Naomi
will be proud.


  1. This brings a tear to my eye as I think back to you, Melissa, (about 6 years old) seeing a children's art show at Hulen Mall and becoming so sad because you thought you could not make any art like what you were seeing. Well! First we ate at Luby's and then we went home and made amazing art with all the same fun stuff the mall art had been made of. Cupcake holders, popsicle sticks, construction paper, glue, pipe-cleaners, and glitter, to name a few. Late that night I stood and surveyed the creations you and your sister had made that covered the dining table and surrounding floor. Then I stood and surveyed my 2 sweetest creations, as you slept. You were smiling in your sleep, and a little glitter twinkled from Amanda's cheek. I carry this memory with me always, one of the happiest days of my life!!
