Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Last weekend we made our first visit to the municipal pool. Monroe was totally game to walk right in to the "real" pool and walk around in the two-three foot deep area. She LOVED the energy of kids splashing all around her and got a kick out of the resistance of the water. With in just a couple of minutes she was saying "I swimming too momma" and doing an adorable imitation of the doggy paddle motion she observed the older kids around us using. (She doesn't get that there's a leg part to "swimming.")

Our pool fun lasted about an hour, and just as I was beginning to wonder exactly how waterproof our waterproof sunscreen really was, Monroe lost her balance and took a dunk when she didn't expect it. That's when I knew the fun was up, and BOY was she tired--I carried her to the car and she was as limp as a sack of potatoes. So sweet--and I appreciated the early bedtime too. :-)

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