Friday, August 7, 2009

precious ROEments

Scene: Me and Monroe, sitting side-by-side on the couch "chatting" while eating an afterschool snack of red grapes. Monroe loves to be asked a series of related questions, so I was going over people's names with her.

Me: What is your dada's name?

Monroe: Eben

Me: And what is your name, kid?

Monroe: Monroe!!

Me:And what is your mama's name?

Monroe: Family

She is currently pretty confused here--we tell her stuff about our "family" all the time and somehow she has gotten it into her head that "family" is my name.

Me: No, your mommy's name is Sunshine! We're all a family together, we're all called the Cook family. Mommy, daddy, and Monroe.

Me:What is your Aunt's name?

I was wondering which Aunt she'd mention--Naomi and Sara are current favorites.

Monroe: *shouts* Aunt Naomi!

Me: And what is your Uncle's name?

Again, I was wondering whether she'd go for Naomi's husband, Uncle Mike, or for her very memorable Uncle Adam we'd recently seen in a photo.

Monroe: Uncle Travmat.

Me: What?

Monroe: Fraggle Rock! Uncle Travamat.

See exhibit A, Gobo's uncle Traveling Matt, a great character from Fraggle Rock (her current favorite show.)

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