Thursday, September 17, 2009

Video Chat Song Time

This is one of Monroe's favorite activities:

This blog and video chat technology have been a Godsend as far as keeping in touch with loved ones is concerned. I am very grateful for the conveniences of this modern era. And all these fun uses of the computer mean Monroe is ready to be a technologically literate little kid--she can already find "M," "E," and "O" on a keyboard!!


  1. Having watched this now about 100 times, I think my favorite is the intense clapping at the very end, but I also like how she is playing with her toes at the beginning, and everything in between, too!

  2. Anita (MaMai's friend from California)September 18, 2009 at 9:50 PM

    How cool is that!!!!

  3. To me (one of those computer illiterates) that is just amazing! I was close by my GRANDS to see these things in person, but it's wonderful that Randy and Audrey can see it on the computer!

    Great Aunt Geneva
