Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Today we took Monroe to a pumpkin patch in Pacific Palisades, CA at the gateway of our closest state park. The drive up the coast was beautiful--we were socked in with gloomy fog. My desire to drive 20 minutes up the coast to see pumpkins was completely validated when we arrived and saw the largest pumpkin patch I have ever seen in my life. They had huge pumpkins, tiny pumpkins, red pumpkins, white red pumpkins, amazing blue-grey fairytale pumpkins, red and green streaked pumpkins, gourds of every shape and size, and a few very unusual pumpkins that were covered with what looked like nasty wooden warts.

Monroe was thrilled to run around pointing out different sizes and shapes, and--of course--trying to pick up the biggest pumpkin she could get her hands on.

We then embarked on a search for "the biggest pumpkin in the patch." In two year-old fashion, the search was very thorough for a few minutes, then we just arbitrarily declared one nearby pumpkin "Biggest" and took Monroe's picture sitting on it.

The Biggest Pumpkin in the Patch

Monroe's interest in the pumpkins was high, partly because I introduced her to "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" last week and she just can't get enough of that show now. After I saw how excited she got about the pumpkins in the grocery store, I knew we had to find a good old fashioned pumpkin patch to visit. Of course, the pumpkins weren't the only attraction. (After all, this is Malibu.) There was a rope swing AND a bounce house, both of which Monroe was adventurous enough to try out.

Goodbye Pumpkin Patch!

1 comment:

  1. I have to point out how SKINNY my girl has gotten--check out her legs in the photo where she's posed on top of that pumpkin!

    Monroe hit about 25-26 pounds by the time she was six months old--she was just HUGE. Now, more than A YEAR later, she only weighs a few pounds more. It's like all that glorious fat just spread evenly over her new lanky toddler frame. I really can't believe the transformation lately.
