Wednesday, November 18, 2009

thinking thankful thoughts

As much as I LOVE grilling turkey, the thing that really makes Thanksgiving my favorite holiday is the focus on gratitude and connectedness this time of year can bring. I'm going to celebrate between now and T-day by sporadically posting some of the things I am grateful for. Because this blog is about Monroe (and her place in our lives) you can expect a home-and-hearth focus in this list--not because I have no other sources of joy and gratitude, but because this blog has a very specific focus.

Today I am thankful for the close proximity of our family's daily locations. Our home, my home office, Eben's game studio, and Monroe's daycare are all close--biking distance or less! I think this contributes greatly to happiness and harmony in our home because no one gets harried on their commute, something I particularly appreciate because I spent last year traveling all over the greater LA area for work on a daily basis and felt exhausted all the time. It also makes it easy to respond to an unexpected situation, like someone getting sick at work/school and needing a ride home. I'm very grateful that we've been able to set up our lives in a way that makes our short commutes possible!

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