Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Music to my ears

Today when I picked her up from school, Monroe leapt into my arms and said "I had a great day!"

Later on, when I asked if she was okay after pinching a finger, she said, "I'm not hurt, momma. Thank you for asking."

These charming instances of polite and friendly chit chat left me thinking, "Who said these twos would be terrible?" (Then I had to go knock wood to keep Monroe from transforming into a toddler-shaped beast at that very moment due to my unashamedly tempting fate with such thoughts!)


  1. She is emulating the way you and Eben interact around the house. She has learned to behave so well because you are both such kind, considerate people.

  2. I second that! And, let's not forget, there were NO "Terrible Twos" from Melissa or Amanda Adams, either!!...OK, I'm knocking on wood, too.
