Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cuttin' up

Monroe's new hobby is cutting construction paper. And she likes to have company, so I joined her this morning. I cut out a beautiful R2-D2 and C3-P0 and Monroe promptly cut up C3-P0. Luckily, Star Wars has a couple of scenes where C3-P0 gets dismembered. Phew! All I had to do was make a Chewbacca with a back pack and load up the C3-Pieces.


  1. Eben, those are AMAZING. You two are awesome.

  2. Super Eben saves the day... again!!

  3. I was the one who introduced the activity of cutting colored paper to Monroe. She used to be content to cut lines. When we really wanted to get wacky, we'd do wavy lines. Now, she's asking me to "make R2D2, okay?" Thanks for upping the ante, Eben!
