Sunday, April 11, 2010

Santa Monica Pier Carousel Ride

My mother and father visited us over Easter weekend. On good friday, we took Monroe to the historic carousel on the Santa Monica Pier. This is one of the few all-wood carousels in operation today. It has about 40 horses and they are all hand carved--no two are alike! The carosel was installed by the same guy who built most of Coney island and it has been here since 1922.

Rides are just a quarter, so Monroe got to go three times. She loved every minute of it!! She tried an inner ring horse that bounced up and down, she shared a ride on the chariot with her Mamai, and she braved one of the outer ring horses which feel VERY fast when the carousel gets to full speed!

The best part of the experience was watching the subtle thrills play across Monroe's face. She was completely enthralled with every moment of every ride!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all of this, Melissa. Reliving some of those moments from Easter weekend brings a smile to my face, and Monroe and Olivia together are twice as cute!
