Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monroe the weather man

Tonight Monroe informed me that it would be snowing on Christmas.

I reminded her that we are in a part of the world where it does not usually snow, but she matched my matter-of-fact tone and reminded me that "it snows in all the Christmas movies." Touche! Then she told me, "Let me tell you about Christmas Eve, mamma." Then she gestured to the end of the bed and cordially invited me to, "sit down."

"On Christmas Eve it gets dark very early and then there are lots and lots of snowflakes. Snowflakes everywhere. You build a snowman and his name is Frosty. Yesterday--a long time ago--yesterday, when we built a snowman with Grandma Nikki we forgot his sticks. His sticks for arms. So he didn't have arms. Then it is Christmas."

After that special Christmas tale, I didn't have the heart to go on insisting that no, it is EXTREMELY unlikely to snow anytime soon.

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