Saturday, April 28, 2007

bloggity blog blog

Well, it's been a quiet week in Lake Woebegon...

Compared to the last few weeks, which have been full of baby news (first kicks, gender, 3d ultrasounds...) the past week has been less eventful. We're settling in to a lot more waiting... and we can't even distract ourselves with fun tasks like setting up the nursery or getting baby stuff because we are both monstrously busy! I sit my doctoral qualifying exams May 15-22, and the art for Eben's current game will be complete May 18, so we're both in intense work crunch mode! (In fact, I'm writing this before we both head of to the office for a working Saturday.)

One interesting baby factoid is that she has developed enough by this week to be theoretically viable outside the womb in the best-case-scenario. Of course, we're counting on her to be patient and do all her developing in-utero before joining us in September! :)

In mommy news, I turned 28 this past Thursday. Naomi came out last weekend and threw me a fun "spa party" with about a dozen gal-pals. I spent my actual birthday hosting an ecumenical Earth Week event at our church that I'd been planning for a few months--we had an organic/local food potluck and a really cool guest speaker.

Photo: Me and aunt-to-be-Naomi in my garden.

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