Tuesday, May 1, 2007

whistle while you work

As many know, I'm preparing for my doctoral qualifying exams in mid-May and I've been working pretty much non-stop for a few weeks now. It's no sob story though, the prep is going pretty well (although it's hectic and the schedule tough.) As the exam approaches, I've become more and more focused--and lately perhaps a bit TOO focused, as illustrated by the following:

Monday at my research team's weekly 8:30 am meeting, my boss diverted from his usually business-like and impersonal manner to glance at my belly and kindly ask, "So, are you to the point of just counting down the weeks left now?"

I looked puzzled and answered, "Weeks? It's more like counting down the days!!" He seemed pretty surprised by this answer of mine was starting to stammer, "but..." when I further exclaimed "Yeah, I mean there's only about 15 days left until the exams!!!"

A very quiet pause ensued, and then everyone burst out laughing as they saw me realize that he CLEARLY meant to inquire after the progress of the pregnancy and not my exam prep. Of course, him being my boss, he was immediately like, "Great focus. I like that dedication, keep up that attitude!"

1 comment:

  1. One thing at a time! Ace exam, breathe, fix baby room, whammo she's here! Andrew and Sara both went to college for free before birth. How much smarter will she be cause her Mommy is working on PHD!
