Sunday, April 15, 2007

the bun is 1/2 baked!

This has been such an exciting weekend in our household. Not only did we learn that our baby was a little girl (see previous post if you haven't already) but I also hit exactly 20 weeks on Friday--the 1/2 way point in this pregnancy!! (Theoretically, of course.)

We can't believe how fast time has flown. The way things are going, it will just seem like about a week and a half before we're sending little Ebelissa off to kindergarten! Wow. I always though "old people" were weird when they said things like "kids grow up fast" (after all, when you are actually a kid yourself it seems to take just about forever) but now our little baby is T minus 20w and I already feel like it's moving so quickly!!

Spurred by the sense of passing time, we picked out our nursery furniture today. The beautiful crib converts to a toddler bed with safety rail, then a kid bed with no rail, then the back can be used as a headboard for a teen's double bed. Cool huh? It's also gender-free enough to be useful for little Ebelissa's future cousins or siblings (should they come to exist) if she doesn't use it in all possible phases herself.

We are still deciding between two nursery themes: ocean; which would be painted a few shades of blue blue with fish swiming on the walls, or garden, which would be more pink and green with lots of (cute) bugs everywhere! This is the crib either way--it was all I could do to stop Eben from buying it on the spot in cash.... :) I managed to convince him that since the baby's future room was still a working office (and will have to remain that way until early June) it wasn't the best idea to try to take the floor model home TODAY. :)

The coordinating (in our opinion) dresser and changing table:


  1. I think that the furniture is beautiful! It is look so sweet with your sweet girl in it.

    Melissa, I remember when you painted other peoples baby rooms and furniture in High School. Now it's your turn and I can't wait to see it with Ebelissa resident.

    Love you both,

  2. What a pretty and versatile bed, one that can be used throughout our girl's life. I've never heard of anything like that.

    Melissa, I remember your room in Texas had an ocean theme so how appropriate to make it a family tradition.
