Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Best Before 09/14/07

As the baby's due date speedily approaches, there are a few certainties emerging within the general atmosphere of suspense and excitement! Most people aren't allowed to go past around 42 weeks gestation these days, so it's pretty safe to assume that we'll have a baby before 2 or 2 1/2 weeks have passed. (Likely sooner, of course!!)

Every day the excitement builds as more and more everyday things around here remind me of the baby's approach. Heck, I've got library books that won't be overdue until well after the baby would be overdue! There's food in my fridge that will still be fresh when we bring her home from the hospital!

Today's mystery: Will I have to refill my prescription for my dwindling supply of pre-natal vitamins? Or will the baby be born before I take them all?

1 comment:

  1. Rather than refill your script, I'd call your doctor and see if they can give you a few samples to get you through until your baby girl arrives.
