Tuesday, October 30, 2007

nickles and dimes

As a few dear readers will know, Eben and I have been dealing with a big ole' nasty IRS audit this past month. Actually, it wasn't THAT big, or THAT nasty, but anyone who has ever had a newborn knows that financial research and newborn care are wildly incompatible. :-) Eben heroically played the Single Dad role while I slogged through it, producing a few inches' pile of paper and taking a walk down memory lane via my financial records. :-) I mailed it off today, so Woo HooOOoo!

audit detritus

With each day that goes by, Monroe gets more and more social. She loves looking at faces, and while she's not quite laughing yet, she has a few coos and squeals that will soon develop into real baby noises!bright-eyed baby girl


  1. Monroe is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this site with me. I love you all!

  2. This is the greatest photo yet of the sweetest little girl in the world! I can't wait to see her in person in a few weeks!

  3. I wish I could see her---and the parents.

    Great Grandpa Adams

  4. She looks so beautiful in this picture and it shows so much personality! What a sweet little one.
