Friday, November 9, 2007

sniffles and such

I suppose it had to happen eventually.

We've got a cold

When I get sick, I of course want my mommy. This was my first experience of actually BEING the mommy. This is when it hits you that you are truly a parent--when you realize you've landed a job for which it is impossible to call in sick.

Thankfully, Eben took his turn with our cold before it hit me and Monroe, so he was able to baby us both! And we're so grateful that (like most breastfed babies in the face of a common cold) she doesn't seem to be suffering much at all. She's happy and playful and pretty much her normal self. The only trouble's been that her stuffy nose makes it a bit hard to sleep, which creates a catch-22 for mom and dad: use the little bulb thingy to suck gunk out of her nose, thereby clearing her nose but at the same time setting off a maelstrom of tears that will inevitably lead to new snot being created and eventually bring you back to square one, or just leave her alone? :-) There was enough snot to try both options. We ended up snuggling and rocking her by turns most of the night--which is pretty common territory for most babies, but unusual for our sleeping champion! (When Eben told the pediatrician's office that she woke up every few hours last night, the nurse was like, "So, her sleep was normal then?" When Eben explained that she usually sleeps for six hours in a stretch at first, the nurse said, "I should have ordered one of those!)

Anyway, Eben took the morning off work today to be on baby duty so I could get a bit of extra sleep, and now the weekend's here and I'm sure we'll all recover shortly!

Tissues and Tea,

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