Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy 3 Month birthday!

Monroe is 3 months old today! The so-called "fourth trimester" of newborn development has come to a close. I was a little anxious about this phase when I was pregnant because I had almost no experience with newborns. There were times during the early days that I would think something along the lines of "just hang in there until around 3 months, and this is gonna get easier." Well, here we are!!

As if she knew the milestone birthday was here, Monroe has filled her past 48 hours with new tricks--she learned to roll over onto her side (and even her belly) yesterday and proceeded to do it about 15 times. She also learned to bring her hands together in front of her body and clasp one hand with another. She topped that off by reaching for one of the toys on her baby gym play thingie for the first time. The little toy has a spinning part and Monroe spun it several times. She also pinched it, pawed it, and swatted at it. Somehow she suddenly seems to have made that leap from "newborn" to "baby!" Amazing.

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