Wednesday, December 19, 2007

planes, trains, and automobiles


Monroe took her first ride on an airplane yesterday!

Our flight was scheduled to depart at 4:15 and we got to the airport around 1:30. Good thing we did, because we had to stand in 4 different lines to get her an infant pass! Thankfully, Monroe zonked out and was sleeping in her baby carrier throughout the entire check-in/security process! If there was a service for adults in which a giant would lovingly carry you and all your possessions through airport security while you took a refreshing nap, I predict it would easily retail for over $50... I'll add that to Roe's tab. :-)

Monroe was such a sweetie in the airport--she LOVED looking at all the people and hearing new sounds. She also took a long nap on her daddy's lap. She was so good that a random lady came up to us and was like, "You must have such a good baby to be so happy all afternoon here at the airport!"

She was much happier than her parents, who were frustrated by delay after delay. We didn't take off until after we should have LANDED in Dallas!!! And poor little Monroe, who was a real trooper through all the time she should have been on the plane, finally melted down a bit when we boarded and had to wait MORE while they fixed some lights or some other thing that they apparently hadn't had time to trouble with in the 3 1/2 hours we'd all been waiting (Clearly, I'm not over it yet... deep yoga breath, deep yoga breath, ahhhh.)

Once we reached altitude (and it got to be an hour or two past her bedtime) she finally fell asleep in my arms and was out cold for the rest of the flight. We took a pitstop at my parents where the baby gear and car we are borrowing awaited us, and now it's off to Grandmamma and Grandad's house!

1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to seeing all of you here in the BIG D area---somewhere!

    GREAT Grandpa Adams
