Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Over the river and through the woods...

We spent the week before Christmas with Eben's folks Steve and Nancy in Mansfield, Texas. We had fabulous accommodations at Nanna's (Monroe's great-grandmother) just down the street. Most of the gang was there and it was wonderful to visit with our siblings and cousins and introduce Monroe to some wonderful people!

The night before we left home Monroe slept in her little bassinet for the last time ever--she's grown too big for it! After living with increasingly cramped quarters lately, she seemed to relish the chance to stretch out in a roomy port-a-crib:

One of the first things we did was go out for Vietnamese food in Arlington. Monroe got some snuggles from her Nanna and we got to enjoy some Pho:

We spent most of our time just hanging out and relaxing at both houses. Here's me and Monroe in front of the Christmas tree:

Monroe FINALLY got to meet her Aunt Naomi who has been dying to see her since the moment she was born. They got in lots and lots of snuggles and Naomi even adapted one of her many original songs about her dog Baxter into a little ditty in honor of Monroe's cuteness. :-) 

Uncle Munchkin was happy to see Monroe again and to resume the weirdo lessons he started when she was only one month old. 

In a much more normal expression of familial affection, Roe's great-grandmother Mums gave her a bottle of expressed breastmilk. But while Adam was rewarded with smiles for his foil-hat routine, all Mums got for her much more baby-appropriate display of love was some baby poop in her lap!! Nobody said babies were fair...

Ian was a very impressive baby-holder.

Grandad was impressed with Roe's progress on head-lifting so he decided to start some flying lessons:


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