Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Something Amazing

Okay, I am all out of order here because I still have at least 5 posts to make about Christmas, but I just had to share this amazing incident.

We just returned from a little over 2 weeks in Texas visiting family and friends. Since Monroe is only 17 weeks old, we've been wondering what, if anything, about her former life here in Southern California would be familiar to our little globe trotter. For the little one who weathered time differences, new houses, new cribs and new people with such good grace, would home seem like just another new place to visit? (After all, 2 weeks to her is like a little over 3 years to me if you take our relative ages into account!!)

It was a very long and tiresome day of traveling, culminating in a difficult car ride home. Monroe was totally worn out so we started "bedtime" right away when we got home even though it was just 6:00 pm on the west coast. Eben put Monroe on the changing table for a little "Naked Butt Time" which always begins her nightly routine and is a big hit with her. That's when it happened. Her eyes fell on the fishie mobile that she has always loved and she remembered it alright! She let out such a squeal of delight, it probably warmed hearts for a three-block radius. It was so touching to see her excitement at seeing her "old friends" again, and really neat to learn that she did recognize something of her old life despite being far away for so long.

Pretty neat kid we have here.

1 comment:

  1. She is amazing, and I miss you all so much, it makes me want to cry! We Love You.
