Sunday, January 27, 2008

we made it

it's been a crazy couple of weeks.

I got sick wednesday before last. Very sick, with an awful flu/cold/plague thing and could barely function. Eben stayed home the first day I was sick, but when it became clear this illness was sticking around, he had to put in most of his hours on Thursday and Friday because we can't afford that much time off. Then, on Saturday, when it seemed we had finally made it to the safety zone of the weekend, Eben got sick too--even sicker than me. One wide-eyed baby and two fever-addled parents who can barely get out of bed just wasn't adding up. So at 9:30 a.m. I texted all our friends with an SOS message. It worked! By 11:30 we were both lying in bed while one dear pal held Monroe and another rinsed dishes and put away the groceries she'd brought us. Sometimes it seems like we've only been in L.A. a little while, but seeing our friends come through for us like that made me realize the extent to which we've put down roots.

We slogged through Sunday somehow, and by Monday I was feeling a bit better so I could take care of Monroe on my own and let Eben rest. He wasn't well enough to go back to work on Tuesday, and Wednesday he felt a bit better but went ahead and took a personal day just because by that time we were living in a hovel to rival any Dickens novel and we needed an entire day just to create sanitary conditions!

Now we've had a disease-free weekend to recover and we're pretty much makin' it work. Monroe has been an absolute sweet heart this whole time--I swear she got sweeter while we were all sick. And she learned to sit up!! She has to be placed into sitting position, but then she can balance on her own like that (until something distracts her and she topples over. So cute!)

1 comment:

  1. How dreadful you and Eben were both so unwell. It is so difficult to care for a baby when you are plagued by fever, aches and pain brought on by influenza. At least Monroe was spared. It's all due to that fabulous breast milk!
