Friday, March 14, 2008

Roe's latest developments

Well, it's been a LOooooOOOOoong and busy week around here.

We're trying to help Monroe learn to settle herself overnight better by putting her down when she is sleepy but not asleep (as opposed to our former practice of nursing until she was completely limp like a rag doll, then setting her in the crib like a piece of priceless china and tiptoeing out of the room without so much as a breath. tee hee hee!) It takes a few tries, but eventually she falls asleep and I am hoping this helps her with her night waking.

Which leaves the question, who is going to teach Mommy and Daddy to sleep again? Last night when she slept a bit better than usual, we were both so giddy with shock and excitement we didn't sleep nearly as much as we could have!!

After a brief respite from rolling while she focused on sitting up, Monroe is back on the roll. She can clear about 6 feet in just a minute or two now. She is also hoisting her rear up into a crawling-type pose. Her babysitter Cruz saw her oooching backwards on her hands and knees today, which is often a precursor to crawling. So batten down the hatches...

Monroe also took her first ride in a shopping cart today. She sits up really well, but she has a penchant for chewing on anything within a two-foot radius, so our first errand within the store was to pick up one of those padded shopping-cart cover thingies so she can chew away. It also has loops to attach a few toys. We broke it out right then and there and I had so much fun browsing the store with her!

Just tonight, Monroe took bathtime play to a new level. While she previously viewed her bathwater with a kind of quiet reverence, she is now determined to experienced it to the fullest degree, which involves noisy splashing that I could hear from the living room and attempts to drink the bathwater. He he he. Thankfully, baths are daddy territory so I just get to sit back and enjoy the show without getting wet. :)

Well, that's all--just a few random thoughts from the week. I'll post more pictures when I find my camera...

1 comment:

  1. Your mom says, "look on the charger" to find your camera:) Thanks for the little insights into the little one's life, and we hope you all start sleeping better soon.
