Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Daddy Comedy Hour

Today Monroe and her daddy got a new game going. We have two different doors that lead into our kitchen/dining area. Eben put Monroe down in the floor in the living room where she had a good view of both the doors, then he went into the kitchen. He popped out in the left door, saying "I'm over here" then disappeared back into the kitchen where she couldn't see him and ran to the right door, where he popped out again, going "now I am over here!" She was CRACKING UP for minutes on end. Every once in a while he would mix it up a bit by popping out in the same door twice, and that added to the hilarity.

Gotta love the laughter of a baby!

1 comment:

  1. I can just hear her laughing! Eben is such a great dad!
