Wednesday, June 18, 2008

a day without a daddy

Eben left yesterday morning for a conference in Montreal. He gave a talk on using particle effects to simulate smoke (in video games.) He was kinda crushed to be leaving us and didn't want to miss Monroe for 3 nights! We took some special time to play with Monroe together Tuesday morning and to enjoy brunch together at one of our favorite places.
Eben and Monroe hanging outside while we waited for our food.
Monroe making a fashion statement with a toy on her head at brunch.

After brunch, Roe slept soundly on the ride to and from the airport where we said a quiet goodbye to daddy. As she slept on, I headed to work for a big meeting related to the presentation I'll be giving next week in The Netherlands. Monroe held it together for about an hour, and then after a diaper change and a fresh supply of toys she made it for just long enough for me to finish my practice talk.

Next, she and I hit the streets of Westwood, the neighborhood nearest campus. She took a long long nap in her stroller while I worked with my iPhone and caught up with some friends on the phone.

We were hanging around the area because I had plans to meet a pal for the delicious 1/2 priced appetizers at Palomino's. Monroe enjoyed munching on bread, basil, and small bits of veggie while I relaxed and caught up with my friend.

By the time we got home from all this, there was only an hour left 'till bedtime! So I had no trouble keeping Roe amused until time for bed. She had a bit of trouble falling asleep--possibly because she missed Daddy's usual role in her bedtime routine. But she slept pretty decently after she finally crashed, which was good because I'll need my rest to get through the rest of our "girl time." :-)

Today has been another whirlwind day. I was pretty afraid of both of us getting a bit bored and helpless this week, so I stuffed our days with fun! So far, so good... and I am looking forward to what will probably be Monroe's biggest smile ever when Daddy returns Friday.

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