Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ode to Sports Park

Sports Park, oh Sports Park,
How I love thee, Sports Park.

Sports Park is the Los Angeles area's best kids park, imho.

It is where Monroe first learned to LOVE the swings:


It is almost next door to EA (where Eben works) so we go there often, in all kinds of weather and all kinds of moods. It never fails to delight!


Even before Monroe could stand or crawl, there were fun things for her to do. I parked her near these spinning gears and she was transfixed.

Later, when she was pulling herself up on anything she could get her hands on, she actually tried to spin the gears herself.

The swings continued to be a big draw.

Nothing is cuter than Monroe. Unless you consider the cuteness of TWO MONROES!!!


In her early-walking phase, there was one low-to-the-ground area that provided just enough thrill as Monroe teetered and tottered from one pole to the next. She was so exited to be walking around inside the same playground as all those fascinating pre-schoolers!

Monroe is always ready to re-invent the conventional use of any playground equipment. Here she is trying to turn a bridge into some sort of peek-a-boo spot or passageway. This is the kind of thing that keeps mommy on her toes!!

Here are a few pictures of our trip to Sports Park today. I have been so busy with work that I think it had been a month or more since we last visited. But I was finally able to take just a 1/2 day of babysitting and then spend the rest of the day with my boop-bop! Sports Park was at the top of my list.

With Monroe's new steadiness and sophistication as a walker, it was like we had come to an entirely new park. As soon as we passed through the gate, I set her down and asked, "Where do you want to go?" She took off at top toddler speed. It was as if she was trying to get to every part of the park at once, which caused her to weave violently from side to side as she aimlessly blew off steam. This is what we lovingly call her "Keith Richards walk." She had several falls, in fact--but part of the beauty of Sports Park is the uber-squishy ground surface. Kids bounce right off!!

She is finally old enough to ride in the rockin' dinosaur!

She still loves the gears, but now she can spin them just as fast as mommy can!

Today she climbed to the very top of this structure by herself. (Of course, I was hovering with my hands centimeters from her body at all times, but still.)

Wow mommy, how did you get under there? You are so funny!!

I can reach so much more at the park now that I am SO tall!

Monroe went up and down these three stairs about 20 times.


Sports Park even has a little rock-climbing zone. Monroe can't navigate it yet, but this just shows you how great the park is--it has something awesome for every phase of development.

Monroe has no idea what this thing is, but it sure is fun to climb!!! Here you can see how I tuck up her dresses when they drag in her way--I pull the hemline through the neckline and she's good to go!!

Early video from Monroe's first few visits to Sports Park:

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