Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I've mentioned before that Monroe has her own little word for "doggie." It actually sounds a lot like a bark--enough that dog owners usually crack up when she points at their dogs yelling "Ro Row! Roah Woah!"

Monday night while we were playing in her room, she pulled down a board book from her shelves and opened it to a page with a doggy. She pointed to the picture and proclaimed "Ro Row!"

I congratulated her on "reading" her book and got a tear in my eye.

She is learning SO much every day... she can point now to her feet, or my feet, or daddy's feet. She can communicate her needs by nodding yes and no. She responds to little requests like "take this to daddy" or "put your spoon in your bowl" with amazing accuracy. The other day she dropped something and after watching her look fruitlessly for a few seconds, I said "it's behind you." I was just being chatty--I didn't expect to really communicate. But sure enough she slowly, deliberately turned her whole body around like she was doing the hokey pokey and then carefully bent to look on the ground behind her. AMAZING.

I don't understand where it all comes from.

I feel that I am watching her amazing personality unfold unaided from her own soul.


  1. Her high intelligence comes from her GREAT Grandpa (heh-heh-heh)

    GREAT Grandpa Adams

  2. Baby learning with wide-eyed wonder. How God knits and grows each of us is a wonder to behold.

    Great, great Aunt Geneva
