Tuesday, October 7, 2008

daycare report

Well, I think it is time to declare the day-care experiment a success.

Her first week was rough, as anyone would expect it to be. She cried a bit when we dropped her off and picked her up, and I am sure she cried heartily while we were gone too. She was so exhausted at night that she fell asleep in the car, in the bathtub, in our arms, anywhere--and hours before bedtime. By the end of the week, she had succumbed to a nasty ear infection and had to stay home for a day and a half.

The second week of daycare, by contrast, has been smooth sailing. Monroe is happy in the driveway when she recognizes where we are, always waves hello to the assistant and the other babies, and she's not upset when I pick her up (although she does get impatient if we dawdle leaving--she has PLACES TO BE!) I was very heartened by all this and found concentrating at work so much easier now that I see her settling in.

Tonight when I picked her up, she was not facing towards the door so I got to observe her for a moment before she saw me. I felt lucky to get a secret glance at her "natural state" while in daycare. It was this observation, more than anything else, that has me feeling good about all this: Monroe was standing by the table where parents pick up their diaper bags on the way out the door and she was systematically waving bye bye to all the babies who were leaving.... with a smile on her face.

I think our little social director is adjusting just fine!


  1. It sounds like she is adjusting very well--Mommy too.

    GREAT Grandpa Adams

  2. This reminds me of a time when you were in preschool at the Jewish Community Center in Fort Worth, and on one of those rare days when I got to come pick you up, you were laying in the middle of the floor teaching two smaller kids how to color. You were probably only about 3 or 4, but you were already a teacher, and quite a social director, too!

  3. Maybe we have a future movie director on our hands!
