Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do you know any grown-ups?

The scene: Mommy and Monroe are cuddling in the big yellow chair, bonding after a day of school/work. As usual, mommy "makes small-talk" by asking Monroe little questions about her life, her day, her thoughts.

Mommy: Hey, are you a kid or are you a baby?

Monroe: Monroe kid!

Mommy: Wow. Do you know any other kids?

Monroe: (pauses, thinking) Daddy!

Mommy: (with suppressed grin) Oh? Daddy is a kid? Hmmm. Well, do you know any grown-ups?

Monroe: (enthusiastically) Mommy! Mommy grown-up!

And yeah, that pretty much sums up the family dynamic.


  1. Congrats, Eben! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH!!

    I remember when your cousin Jordan was 5 years old, he didn't understand why I couldn't stay home with him and play. I wasn't a Mom so therefore couldn't be a grown up... ergo... no job needed.

    If only that were true.

  2. I'm a kid----an OLD kid!!!!

    GREAT Grandpa Adams
