Thursday, August 13, 2009

precious ROEments

Scene: I creep up on Monroe as she is playing her "Little Kitchen"--a pink plastic affair that Aunt Naomi rescued from an alley way (and thoroughly disinfected) which now resides in my dining room. As I approach, she is methodically moving all her kitchen stuff from the right side of the stove to the counter in the back.

Monroe: go here (moving a pot) go here (moving a pan) go here (moving the last spoon).

Monroe: (Now putting her biggest pot on the little blue plastic burner and manipulating the grey plastic knob) I turn up the heat! ... stir and stir and stir.

Someone has clearly been paying very close attention.


  1. This is how you became such a good cook; watching and emulating your mom. And she will do the same:)

  2. Riiiiight. If Monroe's cooking relates to Sunshine's cooking as Sunshine's cooking relates to mine, Monroe will be a WORLD renown chef!!!!

  3. I remember those days with our GRANDdaughters.

    I love the new picture of Roe you put on the site.

    Great Aunt Geneva
