Thursday, July 8, 2010

Do you know what balance means?

Last week Monroe said, "Do you know what 'balance' means? It means when you fall over and you get right back up again."

Webster's may disagree, but I actually think that is a wonderful definition.

I've been hearing a lot about work-life balance lately and I think her quote applies to this concept. I learned from yoga that balancing is a very active process that requires continual readjustment--it's not as if you simply find the one perfect balanced position and then remain still. That has certainly been my experience with "balancing" my life--you can't get too attached to any one solution because at any moment your circumstances change and you need to respond to new conditions. My experience is that it's best to adopt a relaxed, flexible, trial-and-error position to work life balance. And now I've learned from Monroe that the other part of balance is hopping up cheerfully after you fall!

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