Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

Due to some slight parental laziness (practicality?) and our modern need to promote recycling, Monroe was Snow White again for Halloween.

Here she is reading The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Tree before our Halloween appointment with her buddies.
The first order of business was getting a few vegetables down the hatch before Candy Fest 2010 gets underway. The trick of putting carrots in a miniature jack-o-lantern actually enticed her. :-)

Next there was a bit of costume modeling with Mommy (minnie mouse) and Daddy (skin-n-bones.)

When everyone was ready, the fun REALLY began. We met up with the rest of The Pink Rebel Tricycle Club at Venice Church (where Olivia's family goes) for a "trunk-or-treat"--a fun gathering in which church members come and operate little carnival games and candy dispensaries out of the trunks of parked cars. It was really a great time!

The Pink Rebels were: Jesse from Toy Story 2 and 3 (Reese, left) Snow White (Monroe, middle) and a brave firefighter (Olivia, right.)

Here's Olivia with one of her little church friends--another firefighter!

Olivia's mom Allie got a great shot of the Cook Family.

The precious Reese.

And Olivia's family--what great friends!

After the sun went down, we decided it was time to take the girls on a bit of old-fashioned neighborhood trick-or-treating.

Here they are tromping bravely up to their first house. They were all shouting "Trick or Treat" more or less the whole time they walked up the sidewalk, but never in unison. :-)

Look at Reese's face after the success of their first trick or treat experience!

We went to about 7 or 8 houses before we turned around and wound our way back. As we walked, Olivia's mom wondered aloud why Olivia was holding onto Monroe's shoulder rather than her hand. Olivia answered "Because her hand is too sticky!!" That, dear reader, is when you know you've had enough candy.

At the last house, the ghoul on the front door sang a song and bobbed its red eyes in a way that was a bit too scary for Reese but thrilling fun for Monroe.

Of course this meant running back down the sidewalk in a fright, which was somewhat genuine for little Reese but completely recreational for Monroe. Olivia was unfazed the whole time.

All in all, it was an amazing night and more fun than I have had on Halloween since I myself was three!

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